We develop mobile apps for Christians and produce soulful Christian prayers with music. 

Our goal is to build a community of believers, free thinkers, spiritual seekers, and explorers, seeking refuge and strength in God in our darkening times. We set out to achieve this through prayer and music, two of the most soul-elevating human endeavors. 

Join us in exploring the ancient paths where the good way is...


Lord, for too long I have been disobedient to the heavenly call and resisted your holy will.

But now I want to follow your will, as far as I know it.

I have no way to know it but by the word, and that speaks plainly. It is your command I should believe.

Let your will be done in my heart, Lord. Let this law of faith be written in my inward parts.

If it were not your will, I would dare not ask, and I could not expect it. But since it is your will, Lord, let it be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

What may be done, if the will of God may not be done? What may I seek, if not your will?

And what does a person gain, unless it helps fulfill your will? If I should ask of you riches, or long life, or great things for myself, it would be my will rather than yours.

But it is your will that I should believe. Lord, not my will, but yours be done.

Give me a heart to believe, that I may obey you, for you have commanded it. Give me a heart to believe, that I may please you, for you have said that is what you desire. Give me a heart to believe, that I may honor you, for you have declared that this gives glory to you.

Lord, let me be your servant, even the lowest of servants, just so I may have a place in the family. Whatever my condition or capacity, I will be thankful not to be disowned.

It is enough to be yours. Just give me a heart to believe, since without faith I can have no part in you.

Lord, you have let some light into my mind and conscience. Do not let it end in darkness. Let it be like that light which shines more and more into a perfect day.

The spirit of conviction has awakened my soul. Do not let it end in a spirit of slumber. Do not let your sparks be extinguished.

All your works are perfect. Carry this work to perfection. Amen.

—David Clarkson